Governance & Compliance

Company Board

The Board of Directors of Cork Counselling Services currently has currently five members: Mr Tony O’Riordan, ex CEO, Good Shepherd Services (Chairman), Mr Eamonn Kiely, ex Regional Manager, Courts Service (Vice Chairman), Mr Simon O’Dochartaigh, Project Manager, Google (Company Secretary), Mr Eamon Shanahan, Barrister (Treasurer), Ms Ann Mahony, ex Director Of Nursing, Marymount.


The role of the Board is one of governance. It is concerned primarily with formulating the policy and strategic direction of Cork Counselling Services, its development, fundraising, control and management. The Board is charged with the responsibility to manage the charity in accordance with its mission statement and objectives as laid out in its Memorandum and Articles of Association.

There are a number of legally binding obligations with which Directors must ensure they comply in the running of the charity. The Board is required to:

  • File an annual return with the national registrar of companies, including balance sheet, income and expenditure accounts, director’s report and auditor’s report,
  • Maintain a Register of Members and Directors
  • Hold an Annual General Meeting
  • Keep minutes of all meetings
Company Compliance

Cork Counselling Services CLG is a company limited by guarantee and governed by a Company Board.  The Company was registered with the Company Registration Office in 1985. CRO Number 110910. It was granted charitable status in 1989. Charity Number CHY8911. Our Charities Regulator number or RCN is 20022327.


Cork Counselling Services CLG prepares annual accounts in accordance with standards issued by the Financial Reporting Council, including FRS 102, the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic Of Ireland as modified by the Statement of Recommended Practice “Accounting and Reporting by Charities” (FRS Charities SORP, 2018) effective for reporting periods from 1st January 2019.


Here you can see Financial Statements 2020 and 2021 and 2022  and 2023


Here you can see our approach to protecting data in the Data Protection and Privacy Policy


Here you can see our approach to quality assurance in our Quality Assurance Procedures


Here you can see our approach to child protection in our Child Protection Policy


The Board ensures that the Charity operates and is compliant with legal and regulatory requirements in the following areas:


– Charities Act 2009
– Best Practice in Fundraising
– Employment Legislation
– Health and Safety Legislation
– Data Protection Legislation
– Equality Legislation

Where ordinary
people can make
an extraordinary