Community Support
Community Support
Here’s is a list of community support services and their contact details that we have put together which you might find helpful. However please note that this list is not exhaustive and may exclude some services or their contact details may change over time.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship that shares their experience and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. To find out more go to
Al Anon
Al-Anon offers understanding and support for families and friends of problem drinkers in an anonymous environment, whether the alcoholic is still drinking or not. To find out more, go to
Removing barriers for autistic people and their families. To find out more go to
Bodywhys is the Irish National Charity, which offers support, information and understanding for people with eating disorders, their families and friends. To find out more, go to
The Beacon
The Beacon (formerly West Cork Women Against Violence Project) offer free and confidential listening, information and support services for women experiencing domestic violence. To find out more go to
Cois Tine
It provides a range of pastoral support services for Asylum Seekers and Refugees especially those of African origin. For convenience these services are classified under the headings of Social, Psychological and Spiritual.
To find out more, go to
Cork Arc
Cork ARC is a safe haven for people with cancer and their families, where you can find information, practical help and emotional support. To find out more, go to
Crisis Pregnancy Services
Providing information on all services for unplanned pregnancy. To find out more, go to
Dyslexia Association of Ireland
The DAI lobbies for the provision of appropriate services by the state to all people with dyslexia. It provides a free information service to the public. Services offered include: psycho-educational assessment of children and adults, group and individual specialised tuition, teachers’ courses, summer schools, speakers for schools and parents groups. To find out more, go to
Focus Ireland
Everyone has a right to a place they call home. If you are homeless or need to contact Focus Ireland call:
To find out more, go to
Gamblers Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who have joined together to do something about their own gambling problem and to help other compulsive gamblers do the same. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop gambling. To find out more, go to
Gay Switchboard
GSD’s core service is provided via telephone. They provide non-directive, non-judgmental, befriending, support and a general information service to the gay, lesbian and bisexual community, to anyone who has issues relating to their sexuality, to their parents, families and friends. To find out more, go to
Irish Cancer Society
The mission of the Irish Cancer Society, the national cancer care charity, is to play a vital role in achieving world-class cancer services in Ireland, to ensure fewer people get cancer and those that do have better outcomes. Our goals are focused around prevention, early detection and fighting cancer with three programme areas to achieve them; advocacy, cancer services and research. To find out more, go to
Irish Immigration Support Centre
NASC, the Irish Immigrant Support Centre is a non-Governmental organisation that seeks to respond to the needs of immigrants in the area. To find out more, go to
Irish Refugee Council
The Irish Refugee Council (IRC) is a membership-based, independent non-governmental organisation which advocates on behalf of asylum seekers and refugees and has done since 1992. The Irish Refugee Council believes that, in accordance with the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, every person has the right to claim asylum and to have a fair and transparent decision on their application. To find out more, go to
Lisheens House
Lisheens House is a community centred mental health charity that offers free counselling, training & support for those in a mental health crisis. To find out more go to
Money Advise & Budgeting Service
MABS is a national free, confidential and independent service for people in debt or in danger of getting into debt. To find out more go to:
Meningitis Trust
The Meningitis Trust is here to support everyone who has been touched by meningitis and the Trusts services and support is a lifeline to help them rebuild their lives. It also raises awareness of the signs and symptoms of meningitis and associated septicaemia. To find out more, go to
Mental Health Ireland
Mental Health Ireland aims to promote positivie mental health and to actively support persons with a mental illness, thier families and carers by identifying their needs and advocating thier rights.
To find out more, go to
MOVE – Men Overcoming Violence
MOVE, Men Overcoming Violence, works in the area of domestic violence, with a primary aim of supporting the safety and wellbeing of women and their children who are experiencing, or have experienced violence/abuse in an intimate relationship.
To find out more, go to
One Family
One Family is Ireland’s national organisation for one-parent families. We work with all types and all members of one-parent families, respecting the realities of family life, to affect positive change and achieve equality and social inclusion for all one-parent families in Ireland.
To find out more, go to
Overeaters Anonymous
Self-help for those suffering from eating disorders.
To find out more, go to
For over twenty years, Parentline has provided a completely confidential helpline for parents and guardians. Parents phone Parentline with all sorts of problems. There is no typical call. Calls come from parents of new born babies, toddlers, pre-teens and teenagers – children of all ages. To find out more, go to
Pieta provides free therapy to those engaging in self-harm, with suicidal ideation, or bereaved by suicide. 24 hour Freephone helpline 1800 247 247 or text HELP to 51444 (std msg rates apply) . To find out more go to
Samaritans are available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which may lead to suicide.
To find out more, go to
Irish Sudden Infant Death Association
I.S.I.D.A. offers support to families bereaved by the sudden unexpected and often unexplained death of an infant or young child and to others affected by it. The Association offers information on Sudden Infant Death to families, professionals, the media and the public, and promotes research into the causes and prevention of Sudden Infant Death. To find out more, go to
Suicide or Survive
Suicide or Survive Ltd (SOS) provides services and supports aimed at suicide prevention in Ireland. SOS is client focused and is running an innovative group programme (The Eden Programme that provides people who have attempted or contemplated suicide with an opportunity to explore their own experiences, develop their personal skills and source avenues of support and assistance. The ultimate aim of this programme is suicide prevention. To find out more, go to
Teenline Ireland
We hope this will provide you with information about our free phone helpline and other support services in your area. If you feel alone, worried or distressed or just need someone to talk to, you can call our confidential helpline. To find out more, go to
Threshold was founded in 1978 and is a not-for-profit organisation whose aim is to secure a right to housing, particularly for households experiencing the problems of poverty and exclusion. Information includes useful guidelines on renting accommodation. To find out more, go to
Victim Support
The Garda Siochana operates closely with the Crime Victims Helpline, which can help provide support to victims of crime. To find out more, go to
Online support forum conversing with other widows and widowers who like you travel a journey of grief. Membership is free with immediate access once you join. The members are kind, understanding and willing to support one another in our lowest times. Conversations vary as we share our better days, too. We may start with a tear, but end with a smile. To find out more, go to
Where ordinary
people can make
an extraordinary
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